Wednesday, 31 October 2012


Ok, we kept you waiting long enough - our October surprise is . . .

Adam Keltz and Mark Anderson are one and the same!

Yes, the guy Mark cited as a supporter against my "attacks" is a complete fiction. Just think about that.

At the time, Mark was attempting to intimidate me into not defending myself and others from his slurs - which is the purpose of this blog - by threatening to publish some old private messages we'd exchanged.

This was supposed to embarrass me into deleting this blog. It didn't.

In the end, Mark realized he would simply make himself look both a clown and a completely untrustworthy person, and abandoned the idea.

As Mark got no support whatever - at least none he published - from any real supporters, he created Adam Keltz to justify the stance he'd taken. I said at the time Adam was almost certainly fake, and hinted at why I thought that.

What most people don't know, however, is that shortly after I implied Mark's defender was fictional, Adam emailed me from New York! And I admit, I was convinced - for about 5 minutes.

Why was I suspicious? Mainly because several points of Adam's writing style were identical to Mark's. That sounds trivial, but such trivia can add up to a strong indication that two different texts are written by the same person.

Still, it could have been coincidence, and isn't sufficient grounds for saying Adam is really Mark attempting to troll me.

But a few more emails from Adam supplied enough contradictions to show he was making stuff up - so at the very least he was a friend of Mark's masquerading as a US-based fan of his blog; and far more likely, Adam and Mark were one and the same.

Why didn't I just ignore this obvious trolling? Because, when you've been plagued by a guy for 9 months, with attempts to slur and manipulate you and others, you want to expose them. So I thought I'd give Mark some more rope, so to speak.

What's the evidence, then? I won't bore you with stylistic points, I'll get straight on to some flat out contradictions and lies in Adam's messages.

For starters, the emails "from New York" were all sent from UK IP addresses. And when Sandy struck New York, Adam emailed me from his "parents in Boston" - who also have a UK IP - in fact, the same one Adam has in New York!

But maybe the IP check was wrong, or the mails were routed funny - the internet can be a confusing place - so lets look at something more concrete.

Here's some of the detail Adam supplied, presumably to create an authentic sounding persona:
My name is Adam Keltz,a  31 year old South African guy living happily in New York with my partner Tim.We live in Upper Manhattan (West 79th St) and i assure you we are both very real. (Sept 11, 18:32)
There are a few good muscle channels on is also a very good site.Some of the guys on there did a charity night here in June in a bar called Lips which is just a block from here. (Sept 11, 20:30)

Factcheck 1: Lips is on East 56th St - 3km south of West 79th St, the other side of Central Park . . .

"A" marks the location of Lips

Factcheck 2: No muscle guy charity night took place at Lips . . .

Oops :/

There's more, but I'll leave it there for now. Mark - or Adam - is free to prove me wrong, first by explaining these fact check fails, and even better with some positive proof Adam exists. He's shown no photos nor given any social website addresses. He has offered to meet up - in New York City :D

Will this exposure stop Mark's attempts to deceive and manipulate? Not likely, imo.

He'll either ignore it, or post another vague reference to "haters" attacking him, or he'll say this post is evidence I'm suspicious and paranoid.

No, I just prefer facts to fantasy.

And given Mark's libelous attacks and slurs, it's important that people see for themselves to what degree they should trust his word.


What our October surprise isn't ...

What it is ... coming up soon!

Hallowe'en cat will scare your ass!

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Happy Hallowe'en!

Halloween is a time for disguises. But some costumes work better than others ...

Monday, 29 October 2012

The truth is out there!

Today I got told I "come accross [sic] as very suspicious".

Suspicious is a funny word. If you're suspicious, it can mean you have suspicions - like Suspicious Cat - you distrust or doubt someone or something; or it can mean you arouse suspicion in others - there's something suspect or fishy about you.

The guy who wrote me meant the former - I don't show enough trust in him, or in a third person we've been discussing.

At least some things are true. Tuesday is October 30. And Wednesday is October 31 - Halloween. There are just two days left for an October surprise!

Friday, 26 October 2012

October surprise ...

After Donald Trump's October non-surprise FAIL, what better way to end the month than a surprise of our own?

We guarantee that, while STFlexU!'s October surprise won't get as much publicity as Trump's, it will be a surprise for some, and an awesome one in its way :D

Watch this blog!

Friday, 19 October 2012


Unsolicited and meaningless message just received from Mark/abba on YouTube...
Stomach churning hypocracy [sic]
I suggest you tell your fellow hypocrite Brian [redacted] to button it and not leave shitty comments on my uploads.My opinion and assesment of you,him and Martin [redacted] as being middle aged pervs pretending to be something else will NEVER change.My new blog is unashamedly sexy and will get sexier.You can carry on with your facades but just leave me alone....bit of material there for your vindictive,totaly hypocritical blog
Sent to: flexinglads
I was unable to reply, because Mark aka StrictlyAgain had already blocked me. Pretty immature. Here's the reply I tried to send:
What's this all about? Why are you bringing this up again? You say on your blog you'd put this behind you. You're middle aged, so what if I am, too? I don't see why I'm a perv. I like men, as do you. Again, so what? How do I pretend to be something I'm not? Everyone knows I'm gay. The guys I'm in contact with on my channel & facebook know. I think my blog is sexy, too. It doesn't emphasize sex as yours does, but it doesn't hide it. I chose to give it a wider appeal. That's not hypocrisy.
Of course, there will never be a meaningful answer from Mark to simple questions like that.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Gone, but not forgotten


...what next?

Strictly - Again!

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

New York Adam (again)

Remember Mark's NY supporter, Adam? Who is he really?

Here we go again (again) :/

Just when you thought it was safe...

Yes, markabba's back - as toesrus1 - with his crusade against my hypocracy [sic].

Here's my response:
I'm not getting into a never ending msg exchange again. As you are attacking me again in public (and no doubt privately, too), and as you thought it was acceptable to post our PMs, that's what I will do with any messages you send me. 
You are totally obsessed with FL. It's nothing to do with you. It was a joint project for a couple of weeks, till you bailed out. And that was almost a year ago. 
Whatever we originally perceived for FL, that was then. I decided long ago I had to choose between a gay-orientated channel/blog and sites that can appeal to anyone. I chose the latter. 
Just because I'm gay, it doesn't mean everything I do is motivated by sex. I don't limit my channel to people I personally fancy. And I don't have sexual conversations with anyone on my channel. I just don't think the two mix. 
That's not hypocrisy, because I don't pretend not to be gay, or not to fancy some guys. I just don't mix that personal stuff with my channel or blog. 
Nor do I pose as a "protector". That's a ridiculous idea of yours, not mine. If I stand up for someone, it's because I don't like them being attacked or harassed. It's not to dupe them into thinking I'm an "uncle" figure - which is another creepy concept you've come up with. 
As for us having sexual conversations about "these guys", that applies to just 3 or 4 people on my channel, because most of the people on there I met after we stopped working together. We certainly never chatted sexually about M. 
If you had moved on last December when you set up SCF, there would never have been a feud, and certainly no blog responding to your crazy claims. SCF would have done well, I think. 
It was different to FL, so in no way a threat, nor was FL a threat to SCF. You turned it into a competition. You went out of your way to get "exclusive" flexers, in order to undermine my channel. You'll deny that, of course, but it's true. 
You attacked FL first, with lies about porn and stolen videos, and despite my ignoring most of your digs, you could never let it go. 
And you still can't, can you? My comments on M's video were nothing to do with you. But you've used them to resurrect the feud. 
It doesn't bother me much. It's an irritation, nothing more. You're the one who gets all worked up about it, so you are only harming yourself. 
Anyway, this is all you're getting msgwise. 
Like I said, any more msgs I'll post straight to the blog. I hadn't posted since you stopped last time (Sept 10). The views have trailed off, as always. So if they pick up again because of a new post, it's due to your inability to stop stalking and slurring me. 
No doubt, this won't be the end :/

Update: Here's Mark's reaction.

As he insists on his version of what I am and what FL is, further response is clearly pointless. It reminds me of 1984 where O'Brien tells Winston Smith:
The command of the old despotism was Thou Shalt Not. The command of the totalitarians was Thou Shalt. Our command is Thou Art.
Update 2: toesrus1 is now closed. I guess it was one of many sockpuppets Markabba uses for various purposes. I'm sure he'll resurface on some other channel. <YAWN>