Sunday, 2 December 2012

How to say "DO NOT WANT" in plain English

LOLspeak confuses some people, so this helpful LOLcat translates
for our human viewers :D

Saturday, 1 December 2012


!ekoj a ekat tnac yeht fi me kcuF

FEITCTAJcat hahas@ur.butthurt

Monday, 26 November 2012

Tips & tricks :D

I got some requests for advice on running a channel or blog, and especially how to get contributions from new guys. Basically, you want to feature them to build your channel/blog. So obviously they have to get something out of the deal, too.

The most important thing, of course, is to treat people with respect, and not act like they owe you a favor. After all, they'll get some new fans (if you do your job properly), but so will your channel. And they are the ones creating the content - not you.

So here are a few tips:

Don't send more messages than a guy has time to read while still leading a normal life. You may have nothing else to do, but he has a job/studies, workouts, boy/girlfriend and stuff.

If he takes a shower and finds five new messages from you when he comes out, he might get pissed about that :/

If your messages make up 50% of his inbox, and you still don't get an "exclusive" clip, maybe that's his way of saying DO NOT WANT!

Don't promise subscribers umpteen new uploads before guys have time to make them. The guys feel pressured, and you have to keep inventing excuses for not delivering.

If you must make an excuse, say something believable. "He wants to look his best" or "He's picking something hot to wear", when he already looks great and has just uploaded a new clip on his own channel, isn't all that convincing :/

Nor is saying you've no time to upload coz your long lost relatives dumped themselves on you, then updating your blog repeatedly anyway.

Oh, and you might want to tone down your 'praise' a bit. Everyone likes compliments, but some people aren't impressed by gushing flattery. And it only makes you look meaner when you throw a fit at them later for some imagined offense.

It also makes you sound like a creepy perv :/

If you lay down rules for the guys on your channel/blog, try following the same rules yourself. Otherwise you're guilty of "hypocrasy" :)

And tailor your rules for grown ups, rather than big crybabies. "This is my video and I won't share!" or "Repost and alter my content and I'll ban your ass!" doesn't go down well on the internet :/

For more tips & tricks, keep following this blog!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Oh, chease...


Stritcly Cum Flexing rips off Tom Daley footage to feed ghey massage fantasy, complete with slomo action and pr0n musak - and breaks Markabba's no-under-18s rule :/

The original (attributed to source) sans sleazy :D

Kittehz iz not responsible fur tihs image!
Tom DO NOT WANT Tom-pr0n. SRSLY :(

Tom Daley Cat by Dosdiosas

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

The Seven Commandments

Here are the seven eight rules handed down by Strictly Come Flexing pwner Markabba. As they're written in Abba-speak, we've given a rough translation afterward :D

Seven points that sum up Strictly
1. We are an unashamedly homoerotic blog.
2. The non celebrity guys featured are fully aware of the nature of the blog and it's audience and are not,misled,tricked,flattered or cohersed [sic] into providing clips.
3. Posts are discussed with the guys beforehand and altered if there is anything they are unhappy with or if there is any additional info they would like posted.
3. The blog will always be of a raunchier nature than the Youtube channel,due to their rules.
4. We will not feature guys who are in any way homophobic or hypocritical.By hypocritical we mean guys who are happy to take money from a gay audience,get hundreds of gay subs/veiwers but then make homophobic comments.Those who appreciate and welcome their audience are always welcome here.
5. Any flexer altering posts or replicating and misrepresenting the blog without my knowledge will be removed.No exceptions.
6. We are in no way in competition with any other channel/blog.
7. We feature exclusive clips on our channel to promote the guys own individual channels where embedded clips from them are available.Our clips will remain exclusive,either for good or for a limited period.It's how we choose to do things.
Our translation of Mark's rules, based on how he really operates . . .

Seven points and another point that sum up Stritcly
1. I post pics of nude male celebs. I coax non-celeb guys to strip off, too - but most of them DO NOT WANT.
2. I tell non-celeb guys i'm an former model scout to impress them, letting them down gently to the fact that I run a ghey pr0n blog, which is why most of them disappear fast.
3. I post first, and deal with the fallout later. If i post copyright or inappropriate stuff, it's the fault of the guys or whoever informs them their photos/info were misued - not mine!
3. (again) YouTube DO NOT WANT pr0n - i DO WANT!
4. Homophobia and "hypocrasy" is not allowed. Except for me!
5. Any flexer who copies and improves on my posts will be banished from Stritcly forever and without discussion, despite the fact they gave me the content free in the first place.
6. I've been desperately trying to best FlexingLads for a whole year, but keep FAILING because i piss off all concerned, go into meltdown, delete my channels and blogs - then start all over again.
7. Most Stritcly clips are copies or compilations, a few are unique to Stritcly. I do'nt allow them to be embedded, and think that makes them "exclusive", because i do'nt understand teh interwebz.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Strictly DO NOT WANT pr0n, srsly!

Like we reported last time, StrictlyComeFlexing pwner Markabba DO NOT WANT porn - not once, but four times! Stritcly haz pr0n insted!

Mark wasn't so prudish back in the day. As he says on his blog, when he worked as assistant Prowler at a ghey secks shop in Soho, London, Mark "got involved in scouting for models". Apart from some fashion and cover work, "the shoots would usually be to promote some risqué video release".

That's Markabba-speak for "We scouted guys for porn shoots...", as he clarified in the fanmail he sent us (red highlights) :D

Saturday, 17 November 2012

i can haz pr0n?

As fans of StrictlyComeFlexing know, owner Markabba has said no less than four five times that Strictly blog DO NOT WANT porn.

To be fair, those aren't Mark's exact words. What he actually said was: "i don't want to veer into porn" - "no porn [rule] stays!" - "We won't be veering into porn" - "We stop short of porn" - "There will be no porn".

So maybe we misunderstood him or something, coz the other day we found this on his blog :/ And, yeah, it's kinda soft as in sogging wet, but it does fit the definition :)

But as Pablo Francisco said: The reason they call it soft porn is coz it doesn't get you hard! So maybe that's why Mark thinks it doesn't count LOL.

Or wait, maybe it's not porn. Maybe it's pr0n.

In which case, Markabba hasn't contradicted himself at all :D

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

"i'm on ur Facebooks..."

"...stalking ur posts!" Markabba

Today on Strictly - Again: "Some of you have asked if i'm on Facebook.No guys i'm not.Why? I hate it with a passion i'm afraid.I realise i'm in a minority but it's a pet hate of mine.Don't start me on it!!! lol"

November 10 in an email: "I briefly joined Facebook and saw your attempts at getting involved on people's walls.You just come accross as a desperate saddo.Talking any old shite to be matey with someone."

The first quote is from Mark of Strictly Come Flexing, the second is from... Mark of Strictly Come Flexing.


Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.

Harvey Fierstein

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Strictly Tory

Thatcher's 'achievements'
Started the Falklands war, causing 907 deaths
Sank the Belgrano, killing 323 young Argentinian men

Wrecked the lives of millions by destroying their jobs
Caused record unemployment for modern times
Destroyed British coal mining
Destroyed the British steel industry
Gutted British manufacturing

Cut taxes on the rich, increased VAT, hitting the poor most
Slashed social security benefits
Criminalized effective trade union action
Used police as a political force to terrorize striking workers

Let Irish political prisoners hunger strike to death, refusing them them political status
Backed South African apartheid - called Nelson Mandela a "terrorist"
Escalated the nuclear arms race by allowing USA to station missiles in UK

Excluded women from the cabinet
Criminalized discussion of gay sex in education
. . . the list goes on!

Mark Anderson on Thatcher
"Person I most admire"

Twenty reasons why I hate Thatcher
by Neil Harding

Thatcher's racist daughter Carol - impersonating Jimmy Savile D:

The BBC sacked Carol Thatcher for describing French tennis player Jo-Wilfried Tsonga as "that froggy golliwog guy". No wonder Tories hate the BBC. No wonder most people hate Tories.

Jo-Wilfried Tsonga

So while we're on the topic . . .

I can haz fan mail?

Three comment I'll make about this message for now (see highlighted text in Mark's mail):
  • Mark knows that I know "Adam in NYC" is an invented supporter of his, yet maintains the pretense he's real §)
  • Mark's idea that I "claim to have changed" is also invented. Of course I like some guys sexually - I'm gay. Why does that mean my interest is sports is a "sham"?
  • Mark has always claimed to hate Facebook and denied being on it. His comments below show he's a liar, and that he stalks people there - watch out!
There are other obvious lies in Mark's mail, such as his denial he "chopped and change his mind" about others he libeled on his blogs and on YouTube. If you want proof of that, here's one example - and here's another.

Mark Anderson
Nov 10, 13:13


Where do i start.First,yes,i have created this new email,just to contact you because i am sure you have blocked my others.It's not some sneaky secret identity!!! Please feel free to block this address too when you have read this because what i say here is all i have to say or will say.Any of your long winded replies won't be responded to.

Let's get one thing straight.I do not need to pretend to be anyone else to defend my blog,my views on you etc.I know you have been in communication with my friend Adam and i know you have accused him of being a fake.He is not.I have told him that i am extremely unhappy about him getting involved in a fight that i consider over.I don't want a fight.I am tired of it.I would certainly not cause myself more stress by posing as someone else.I do realise your opinion of me is extremely low but you are wrong on this.In fact i think you owe Adam an apology.

Ok,here's the way i see things.I cannot stand you and i cannot stand what you stand for.I do not believe for one mili-second  that you have changed as you claim.I do think Flexinglads is a sham,i do think you are just as into young bodybuilders on a sexual level as i am and i do think the whole pretending to take an interest in the sport is a sham.No matter what you say or how you try to explain things,i will never believe you.I see right through you.However,i will no longer be saying any of that publicly on my blog.

You don't like my blog or how i run it.You don't like how i communicate with the guys,you don't like how i don't embed vidoes,you don't like that i have exclusives,you don't like anything i do.So fucking what! I really don't care.How i communicate with these guys is my business.It is not underhand and is far more transparent than the "i'm your mate" act that you put on.I briefly joined Facebook and saw your attempts at getting involved on people's walls.You just come accross as a desperate saddo.Talking any old shite to be matey with someone.

Let's clear one thing up.I do not look at Flexinglads.I honestly don't.I don't know if you are still doing that STFlexu you thing either.I don't want to know which is why i get annoyed when people tell me stuff...including with Adam.You know why i don't look at it? It's because you almost drove me to a nervous breakdown.Seriously.The constant jibes,disecting of every post i put up,sarcastic comments,making fun,really took it's toll.The only way i can now deal with that is to ignore what you do or try to.

As for chopping and changing my mind about Martin and Brian.I have'nt about Brian,Martin,yes,i listened to tittle tattle and believed it but now i realise Martin does not pretend to be something he is not.He enjoys photographing sexy lads,he loves his naughty camera angles etc and does not hide it.I was wrong about him.He is never going to forgive me i'm sure but i am man enough to admit i was wrong on that.That won't be happening with you 2 guys! You have both libelled me as much as you say i have you.You probably have stuff in black and white to make your points but so do i,plenty!

Adam has just messaged with your latest little dig,the model scout thing! I was a model scout for Millevres Prowler.We scouted guys for porn shoots but also fashion/underwear shoots.A lot of the shoots took place in the basement of our Kings Cross shop which was formerly a Turkish bathouse.I did that for 5 years alongside my main job in the shop.Kings Cross only lasted 2 years but the shoots were then done on location.I found two of the guys we used on a London Eye shoot we did (it was on the cover of Gay Times).Oneof the models,Kevin,i am still friendly with.I thought i told you all this when we met up in London.So,when i tell guys about the scouting,it is true.I don't make out i still have a lot of contacts etc or can get them work.I openly tell them that i have lost touch with some of those guys or they have now left Prowler etc.I am still in contact with one photographer and have pointed a couple of guys his way.I am totally upfront about the model scouting and that i have experience in spotting photogenic guys because i do.There is no deciept there at all.

I have no intention of attacking you on my new blog.None whatsoever.I am worn out with it.We will never like each other or agree so why can't you leave it.If you are still doing that STFlexu you thing,you won't get ammunition from me.You can continue to attack or poke fun at my blog of course but soon people will realise it is one sided because i won't be responding,i won't even be looking.

Just in case you are still unclear.I 100% believe you are a huge hypocrite and no amount of cleverly worded explaining will ever change my mind on that.Your transformation beggars belief.You will no doubt not change your mind either,that i'm a creepy guy who preys on young guys,hounding them into doing clips.I have accepted that those views won't change.You no doubt believe you are not what i say and equally i feel the same about what you portray me as.If this continues we will just be going round in circles.

I don't want to ressolve it, as in any kind of making up.I can't stand you,i want nothing to do with you and you have made my life hell.What i do want to do is get on with running my blog in my way.I won't be interfering with Flexinglads so stop interfering with mine.I am moving on,whether you do or not.Oh and cut the conspiracy theories.I do actually have friends,hard as it is for you to believe! I don't need to hide behind anyone or pretend to be from America or anywhere else to say what i think!!!


Monday, 5 November 2012

Revenge of the FireCat

Would make a good movie, I think - the Hammer Horror kind!

Reaping vengeance for the vile custom of cat burning, practised in pre-revolutionary France. Who would they attack though? The descendants of the cat burners, modern cat abusers, or random humans?

Wednesday, 31 October 2012


Ok, we kept you waiting long enough - our October surprise is . . .

Adam Keltz and Mark Anderson are one and the same!

Yes, the guy Mark cited as a supporter against my "attacks" is a complete fiction. Just think about that.

At the time, Mark was attempting to intimidate me into not defending myself and others from his slurs - which is the purpose of this blog - by threatening to publish some old private messages we'd exchanged.

This was supposed to embarrass me into deleting this blog. It didn't.

In the end, Mark realized he would simply make himself look both a clown and a completely untrustworthy person, and abandoned the idea.

As Mark got no support whatever - at least none he published - from any real supporters, he created Adam Keltz to justify the stance he'd taken. I said at the time Adam was almost certainly fake, and hinted at why I thought that.

What most people don't know, however, is that shortly after I implied Mark's defender was fictional, Adam emailed me from New York! And I admit, I was convinced - for about 5 minutes.

Why was I suspicious? Mainly because several points of Adam's writing style were identical to Mark's. That sounds trivial, but such trivia can add up to a strong indication that two different texts are written by the same person.

Still, it could have been coincidence, and isn't sufficient grounds for saying Adam is really Mark attempting to troll me.

But a few more emails from Adam supplied enough contradictions to show he was making stuff up - so at the very least he was a friend of Mark's masquerading as a US-based fan of his blog; and far more likely, Adam and Mark were one and the same.

Why didn't I just ignore this obvious trolling? Because, when you've been plagued by a guy for 9 months, with attempts to slur and manipulate you and others, you want to expose them. So I thought I'd give Mark some more rope, so to speak.

What's the evidence, then? I won't bore you with stylistic points, I'll get straight on to some flat out contradictions and lies in Adam's messages.

For starters, the emails "from New York" were all sent from UK IP addresses. And when Sandy struck New York, Adam emailed me from his "parents in Boston" - who also have a UK IP - in fact, the same one Adam has in New York!

But maybe the IP check was wrong, or the mails were routed funny - the internet can be a confusing place - so lets look at something more concrete.

Here's some of the detail Adam supplied, presumably to create an authentic sounding persona:
My name is Adam Keltz,a  31 year old South African guy living happily in New York with my partner Tim.We live in Upper Manhattan (West 79th St) and i assure you we are both very real. (Sept 11, 18:32)
There are a few good muscle channels on is also a very good site.Some of the guys on there did a charity night here in June in a bar called Lips which is just a block from here. (Sept 11, 20:30)

Factcheck 1: Lips is on East 56th St - 3km south of West 79th St, the other side of Central Park . . .

"A" marks the location of Lips

Factcheck 2: No muscle guy charity night took place at Lips . . .

Oops :/

There's more, but I'll leave it there for now. Mark - or Adam - is free to prove me wrong, first by explaining these fact check fails, and even better with some positive proof Adam exists. He's shown no photos nor given any social website addresses. He has offered to meet up - in New York City :D

Will this exposure stop Mark's attempts to deceive and manipulate? Not likely, imo.

He'll either ignore it, or post another vague reference to "haters" attacking him, or he'll say this post is evidence I'm suspicious and paranoid.

No, I just prefer facts to fantasy.

And given Mark's libelous attacks and slurs, it's important that people see for themselves to what degree they should trust his word.


What our October surprise isn't ...

What it is ... coming up soon!

Hallowe'en cat will scare your ass!

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Happy Hallowe'en!

Halloween is a time for disguises. But some costumes work better than others ...

Monday, 29 October 2012

The truth is out there!

Today I got told I "come accross [sic] as very suspicious".

Suspicious is a funny word. If you're suspicious, it can mean you have suspicions - like Suspicious Cat - you distrust or doubt someone or something; or it can mean you arouse suspicion in others - there's something suspect or fishy about you.

The guy who wrote me meant the former - I don't show enough trust in him, or in a third person we've been discussing.

At least some things are true. Tuesday is October 30. And Wednesday is October 31 - Halloween. There are just two days left for an October surprise!

Friday, 26 October 2012

October surprise ...

After Donald Trump's October non-surprise FAIL, what better way to end the month than a surprise of our own?

We guarantee that, while STFlexU!'s October surprise won't get as much publicity as Trump's, it will be a surprise for some, and an awesome one in its way :D

Watch this blog!

Friday, 19 October 2012


Unsolicited and meaningless message just received from Mark/abba on YouTube...
Stomach churning hypocracy [sic]
I suggest you tell your fellow hypocrite Brian [redacted] to button it and not leave shitty comments on my uploads.My opinion and assesment of you,him and Martin [redacted] as being middle aged pervs pretending to be something else will NEVER change.My new blog is unashamedly sexy and will get sexier.You can carry on with your facades but just leave me alone....bit of material there for your vindictive,totaly hypocritical blog
Sent to: flexinglads
I was unable to reply, because Mark aka StrictlyAgain had already blocked me. Pretty immature. Here's the reply I tried to send:
What's this all about? Why are you bringing this up again? You say on your blog you'd put this behind you. You're middle aged, so what if I am, too? I don't see why I'm a perv. I like men, as do you. Again, so what? How do I pretend to be something I'm not? Everyone knows I'm gay. The guys I'm in contact with on my channel & facebook know. I think my blog is sexy, too. It doesn't emphasize sex as yours does, but it doesn't hide it. I chose to give it a wider appeal. That's not hypocrisy.
Of course, there will never be a meaningful answer from Mark to simple questions like that.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Gone, but not forgotten


...what next?

Strictly - Again!

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

New York Adam (again)

Remember Mark's NY supporter, Adam? Who is he really?

Here we go again (again) :/

Just when you thought it was safe...

Yes, markabba's back - as toesrus1 - with his crusade against my hypocracy [sic].

Here's my response:
I'm not getting into a never ending msg exchange again. As you are attacking me again in public (and no doubt privately, too), and as you thought it was acceptable to post our PMs, that's what I will do with any messages you send me. 
You are totally obsessed with FL. It's nothing to do with you. It was a joint project for a couple of weeks, till you bailed out. And that was almost a year ago. 
Whatever we originally perceived for FL, that was then. I decided long ago I had to choose between a gay-orientated channel/blog and sites that can appeal to anyone. I chose the latter. 
Just because I'm gay, it doesn't mean everything I do is motivated by sex. I don't limit my channel to people I personally fancy. And I don't have sexual conversations with anyone on my channel. I just don't think the two mix. 
That's not hypocrisy, because I don't pretend not to be gay, or not to fancy some guys. I just don't mix that personal stuff with my channel or blog. 
Nor do I pose as a "protector". That's a ridiculous idea of yours, not mine. If I stand up for someone, it's because I don't like them being attacked or harassed. It's not to dupe them into thinking I'm an "uncle" figure - which is another creepy concept you've come up with. 
As for us having sexual conversations about "these guys", that applies to just 3 or 4 people on my channel, because most of the people on there I met after we stopped working together. We certainly never chatted sexually about M. 
If you had moved on last December when you set up SCF, there would never have been a feud, and certainly no blog responding to your crazy claims. SCF would have done well, I think. 
It was different to FL, so in no way a threat, nor was FL a threat to SCF. You turned it into a competition. You went out of your way to get "exclusive" flexers, in order to undermine my channel. You'll deny that, of course, but it's true. 
You attacked FL first, with lies about porn and stolen videos, and despite my ignoring most of your digs, you could never let it go. 
And you still can't, can you? My comments on M's video were nothing to do with you. But you've used them to resurrect the feud. 
It doesn't bother me much. It's an irritation, nothing more. You're the one who gets all worked up about it, so you are only harming yourself. 
Anyway, this is all you're getting msgwise. 
Like I said, any more msgs I'll post straight to the blog. I hadn't posted since you stopped last time (Sept 10). The views have trailed off, as always. So if they pick up again because of a new post, it's due to your inability to stop stalking and slurring me. 
No doubt, this won't be the end :/

Update: Here's Mark's reaction.

As he insists on his version of what I am and what FL is, further response is clearly pointless. It reminds me of 1984 where O'Brien tells Winston Smith:
The command of the old despotism was Thou Shalt Not. The command of the totalitarians was Thou Shalt. Our command is Thou Art.
Update 2: toesrus1 is now closed. I guess it was one of many sockpuppets Markabba uses for various purposes. I'm sure he'll resurface on some other channel. <YAWN>

Monday, 10 September 2012

*That* video! (again)

I'm against posting private messages - unless they are abusive, and you want to expose the abuser. But Mark/abba has begun posting our PM exchange on his new TBF blog.

He said earlier on my G+ he plans to start with a chat we had following a video upload to what was then our joint FlexingLads channel. That contradicts his earlier plan - to post the chats chronologically - but that's Mark for you :/

So I decided to post that conversation here. It shows, contrary to his claim that I "took a very long time persuading him" (see my G+),  it took just ten minutes for Mark to say "ok, leave it and see what happens"! (see chat from 0:27 - 0:37)

It's also clear that Mark had no objections to the video. In fact the calls it "hot", but was afraid it would cause two of his contacts to think he was "steering them towards porn"!

It's important to remember, too, that Mark had the password to FL channel, and could have deleted the video himself if he'd chosen to.

Here's the chat, see for yourself. I've redacted other people's names, even though they were only first names. I hope Mark does the same in his version.
December 7 2011
23:55:46 Mark: I believe you have a vid to upload mister. lol
23:57:59 Kit: great
23:58:44 Kit: it's not the best hour, but will do it now i think, cos in usa its only 6ish pm
23:58:58 Mark: leanteen! then when you get chance tell me how to upload
23:59:27 Kit: ok
23:59:52 Kit: are you logged in to youtube?

December 8 2011

0:00:57 Mark: yea,i think i can upload it's putting the guys links in etc i'm unsure of. we have to see how long clip is in case needs editing too
0:01:12 Kit: yes
0:01:23 Kit: just got sub from a fit guy
0:01:33 Mark: oooh, will look
0:03:28 Mark: mmmm very nice
0:07:24 Kit: have you downloded leanteen's?
0:07:54 Kit: its incredible
0:08:47 Kit: its guaranteed to get loads of hits, & subs, some risk of deletion, but even if it is, it won't close the channel & i think we have to go for it
0:12:20 Mark: ok,no not seen. long as it don't put our other models off or to sham[e]. lol
0:12:55 Kit: its one feature that is eye catching ;)
0:13:41 Mark: it's gone off megaupload now. have to wait like everyone else
0:14:43 Kit: god that was quick, it's worth it, sorry to tease, just about to upload, getting the links ready as it's best to paste them into the upload box otherwise it can finish uploading before details are in
0:14:59 Mark: ok no worries
0:22:03 Kit: just a few mins
0:22:28 Kit: one thing to think about is the tags we can put on videos
0:22:58 Kit: upload complete, processing
0:23:27 Mark: k, i have thanked him in comments eventhough not seen it. will let you mail him as he was your find. lol
0:23:40 Kit: lol
0:27:11 Mark: ok, that is hot BUT i think should edit the red shorts bit out. i reckon that will deffo put J** and A** off. When he is in his undies we can get away with him just being big but in those shorts it's an obvious hard on. soz to be a killjoy
0:27:55 Mark: on the site yeah but not on here
0:28:28 Kit: its more obvious in his briefs. he touches himself
0:29:20 Mark: yeah but it's pointing down. i think it will get banned myself and even worse put some of our lads off
0:31:38 Kit: i dont think it will be banned, but even if it were, if it got subs first, it would be overall a plus. why will it put people off?
0:32:43 Mark: If J** was about to send us a vid and he saw that or A** with his boxers vid i think they'd change mind straight away
0:33:40 Kit: if that is so, how are they going to react when we have things like that on the site?
0:34:14 Mark: i thought that stuff was going to be seperate downloads
0:34:48 Kit: nude yes
0:36:21 Kit: the problem with toning things to not upset anyone, is that your end up with blandness. surely they cannot be so prudish? and what about taking risks?
0:37:37 Mark: ok, leave it and see what happens, i think hard ons on YT is a no no myself. If i'm wrong i'll hold hands up but if we just want S**** and the like on board why we messaging these other young lads?
0:38:56 Mark: i personally find that vid a massive turn on but i reckon we will lose J** and A** over it
0:39:17 Kit: we want them all, i don't mean [to] exclude them, but if we tone things [down] out of fear of losing them, we can end up appealing to no one. i've seen vids on yt with guys massaging their hard ons in wet briefs.
0:39:50 Kit: (not that im suggesting we have that!)
0:43:21 Mark: i'm really confused now. can't we compromise and edit the shorts bit out? we will still be risking it with the undies but could get away with him just having a very big cock when soft. i personally don't want to put any potential models off. the editing could be explained by saying we just want 1 min clips
0:44:13 Kit: problem is he speaks at the start, introducing himself
0:45:02 Mark: ok, well it's done now. i just hope i'm wrong about J** and A**
0:45:38 Kit: also, he's obviously gone all out to promo his channel, which after all is what we are offering these guys.
0:46:11 Kit: in return we get a free video, without which our channel is just us :)
0:46:48 Mark: yeah i agree but where do we draw line. he could introduce himself and say "watch me jack off on my site" would we use it then?
0:47:05 Kit: no
0:47:24 Mark: so, how is a massive hard on ok?
0:48:08 Kit: hard ons are spontaneous, wanking is deliberate
0:49:42 Mark: ok, well that one is not spontaneous for sure. i love the vid, i just don't want to lose lads who may start off [a] bit more timid but grow in confidence
0:52:57 Kit: so long as we are not pressuring them i think they will be ok.
0:53:05 Mark: have no doubt whatsoever it will beat the other vids hands down in views but ppl will then expect the site to be the same and be dissapointed by our guys who just flex
0:53:21 Kit: we should stress that each guy has his style, and we want them to be different
0:53:33 Mark: ok
0:54:32 Kit: and on the site the members who want more can get it, but as a separate thing as we said. even on mbsl there are normal flexers and ones who get frisky
0:56:27 Mark: on the site yeah, no prob with that whatsoever but am not comfortable with this vid and rather say upfront... however, leave it on and i will have no problem admitting i was wrong if we still get J** on board and don't put A** off
0:57:22 Mark: i think they will think "fuck, i'm not doing that"
0:58:07 Kit: but no one is asking them to
1:00:37 Mark: i know that but we are trying to convey what [our] site is about and they will now think it's about us getting lads to strip and get hard and put off some very hot flexers who could be very hot without it
1:01:52 Mark: it'll prob get tons of views overnight so it's all potential members i suppose
1:05:51 Kit: if the site is about variety, shouldnt the channel reflect that? it's 1/4 [or the] clips, so it doesn't say our whole channel/site is like this one. 3/4 [or the] clips are not like this one.
1:08:02 Mark: k, we leave it up long as you agree that if J** and A** get put off, you message to reassure them. if you can, all is well and no harm done. i've built up good rapport with both and last thing i want is them to think is i'm steering them towards porn
1:09:50 Kit: i'll certainly message them if you get any negative feedback from them. i don't see the video as porn. different people have dfferent views though. the bottom line is no one is steering anyone anywhere.
1:10:54 Mark: those vids are to advertise our site and the guy has a massive hard on. which vid will get the most attention?
1:11:10 Kit: so far, S****'s
1:11:34 Mark: it will be blown out of water by this mark my words
1:12:05 Kit: not necessarily. views are unpredictable
1:13:26 Mark: ok
1:15:13 Mark: gonna head to bed and hope i'm wrong.
1:15:47 Kit: looking again, its not that much bigger than some of J**'s undie shots
1:16:11 Mark: J** does not have a raging hard on
1:17:05 Kit: when we first chatted about him you said you thought he has [a] semi [hard on] in some shots, and it does look like that, or as if he emphasizes his package
1:17:47 Mark: in one pic on his own site. the black and white undies pic
1:19:13 Mark: look, i want to be proved wrong on this so fingers crossed i am
1:19:14 Kit: one thing, we have a video from 4 guys, including leanteen. we don't have one from J**.
1:19:30 Kit: im sure they will be ok about it
1:19:38 Mark: nor J***, nor J***
1:19:54 Kit: yes. the worst that could happen is they suffer male envy
1:20:35 Mark: no, the worst is we lose them. that's why i hope i'm wrong
1:21:06 Kit: i mean size envy, but i dont think they will. str8 blokes enjoy seeing a hard on, so long as you don't force them to admit it
1:21:30 Kit: if they get iffy due to this clip, i will use all my powers to talk them back
1:21:39 Mark: ok
1:22:29 Mark: have to tell them it's just to give overview and their vids are equally as valuable to us
1:22:55 Kit: in fact, if you want, i can send them preemptive messages. explain we have a policy that guys flex to reflect their personality, not our whims
1:23:18 Mark: don't message them tonight
1:23:55 Kit: d[e]ffo not tonight. & that we had an indepth discussion, & decided to allow variety, and hope no one is offended if another flexer has a different style
1:24:20 Mark: see what happens tomoz with A** vid. hope he still does it
1:24:51 Kit: he will ;)
The next time I heard from Mark, it was later that morning in an email saying he'd decided to pull out of FlexingLads. He set up his own channel (SCF) the next day (December 9).

Unfortunately, instead of focusing on building his channel, he used it - and later his SCF blog - to launch a campaign of lies about FL, myself, and others.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Adam in New York

A fan of Mark/abba's old SCF blog has sprung to his defense!

"Adam in New York" sent Mark the following message:
"I am afraid i was addicted to your ongoing feud with Flexinglads.Am i sick saying i found it entertaining? Maybe you will forgive me when i say the guy went way too far with that blog he set up.I often read in disbelief his obsession with you and his attempts to scupper your great channel and blog.I was very dissapointed when you closed Strictly Come Flexing.Especially loved your wit on the blog.You should have stayed strong man.Hope you can sort this out"
Remember that other message Mark got from the States - the one off Joe from Iowa? Except there was no message, only a six year old photo - of bodybuilder Tyler Southwick. Mark even included the photo of "Joe" in a SCF video compilation - until Tyler saw it and Mark deleted it.

Anyone a fan of detective stories? If so, you'll enjoy finding the five clues that point to the real author of this message. Read Mark's original post here - that should help with three of the clues ;)

I may be wrong. If so, all Mark has to do is ask Adam to comment below telling me so. If he enjoyed our feud, I'm sure he won't mind.

Proof STFlexU! was offline

This weekend, Mark/abba launched his new, ultra-sleazy blog - The Truth Behind Flexing.

TBF will publish the PMs he & I exchanged between September and December 2011. As they include sexual comments about men made by me, his aim is to slur my character.

Most of you will wonder what, in 2012, is scandalous - or even interesting - about the fact that a gay man has, and shares, sexual thoughts about other men. Only Mark has the answer to that conundrum.

Mark justifies renewing his hate campaign by claiming this blog - STFlexU! - had stayed online despite our "truce", for which we both agreed not to criticize each other.

Despite Mark never retracting his lies about me, I agreed to that simply to end the feud - and move on.

Here's proof this blog was offline - a stats graph for the last 30 days:

From August 22 - September 7, there were no blog views (except a couple on 8/27 & 9/6, when I checked it via a different account).

September 8, I put the blog back online, as I'd promised I would if the "truce" were broken. Even though Mark threatened - actually blackmailed - me before then, demanding I remove a dead link to the blog, I waited until his new blog was up before restoring this one.

As a result of the publicity generated by Mark's own actions, STFlexU! has gotten as many views in two days as it normally gets in a month.

If Mark doesn't like people reading what's on here - factual accounts of his past and present hate campaigns, and my response to his lies - he has only himself to blame that the blog is back online - and gaining more readers than ever.

I've already said I don't care about Mark publishing our PMs. It just proves no one should ever trust him with any information they don't want shared. And it shows how he projects onto others his own guilt about normal sexual feelings.

For those with the stomach for it, you can find Mark/abba's blog here: - a shorter and more fitting URL than the original :D

And for those who want the "Truth Behind Markabba", just follow this blog - we created a more memorable URL for that too:

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Mark/abba's promises

Mark, you promised a truce once, and broke it over a dead link.

You then set a deadline of September 15 for me to remove the link. A few hours later, you changed that to September 10. And a short while later you posted a "sneak preview" with a sleazy promise of more "heated" posts to come. Now the deadline is 1pm.

You clearly can't be trusted, and besides that, you've harassed too many others, some young and potentially vulnerable, and you deserve to be exposed.

Sorry, STFlexU! stays online permanently.


Friday, 7 September 2012

Back online...

Three weeks ago, in order to end a dispute and move on, I took STFlexU! blog offline. I did this despite the guy involved - Mark (Abba) Anderson - never retracting the lies he's told about me, starting January and repeated many times, as recently as mid-August.

After a few days peace, Mark began complaining there was still a link to this blog on my YouTube profile, and demanded I remove it. I replied the link was dead, and no one dictates what I have on a profile.

It would have been easy to give in to Mark's demand. But once you allow someone to order you around, there's no end to it. The link stayed.

So Mark's now attempting to blackmail me, threatening to post all the messages we exchanged while on friendly terms. He already tried that. It didn't work the first time, and it won't work now.

Mark started off lying about Flexinglads - claiming I uploaded videos without consent and had porn links on my blog. He never gave proof, because his claims were false.

He's since called me a "pervert" and a "fake", saying I have no real interest in fitness - that my websites are a "ploy to get straight lads to pose"! He hasn't explained how that's supposed to work:/

Mark now plans to 'prove' his point by showing we exchanged messages with links & photos of men and sexual comments about them. What that has to do with Flexinglads he doesn't say. Those were private messages. None of the photos or links were on my FL blog.

Mark's 'argument' seems to boil down to this:
"Kit Newton, who has a channel/blog focused on sport/fitness, is gay and chatted with me about men and sex. Therefore, he must be using his channel/blog to dupe straight guys into making videos for him."
You see the logic there? Me neither.

Millions of people daily make sexual comments on- and offline. On Facebook such comments are often public, under the person's real ID. Is this even an issue?

If it were just about me, it wouldn't matter much. I don't expect anyone to be much bothered about our chat messages. There are new celebrity scandals every week. Who cares what two unknown guys chat about?

Here's the thing though. If Mark is capable of using private messages to enforce his demands, then people need to be aware, and not to trust this guy. Blackmail, if used on a vulnerable person, can have devastating consequences. That's reason enough to stand up to Mark.

On top of that, when you recall Mark posted vicious lies about others, you realize his staggering sense of entitlement - to be allowed to say whatever he likes about you, and if you answer back, to blackmail you into silence.

That's why STFlexU! is back online, and will stay online permanently.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Mark/abba's blog launch!

by Mark (Abba) Anderson
"This blog is purely here to put things straight. Published here will be conversations between myself and my YT hater. It's then for you to make up your own minds regarding our feud."

Saturday, 18 August 2012

The posts Markabba doesn't want you to read

On his old StrictlyComeFlexing (SCF) blog, in addition to his lies about FlexingLads (FL) and me, Mark(abba) - aka StrictlyAgain - made two particularly nasty posts about a photographer and a video maker, falsely accusing them respectively of making illegal porn and abusing models.

When called out for this, Mark rapidly deleted the posts, and even made a "peace offer" to the photographer, by referring a new model to him!

These are not wild accusations, they are facts, as shown by the following screen caps.

Although Mark does not name those he accused in these posts, he did identify them to others in private messages. There is therefore a good case to be made that he libeled them, which is a civil offense.

Mark later deleted SCF blog completely, blaming a "troll" (me). In reality, all I did was to respond to Mark's lies about me, and to help expose his slanderous claims about others.

First (April 21), Markabba accuses a photographer of "rub[bing] paint on his models cocks", says I have "a fascination for teens", and that a video maker has lads model for him after getting them drunk. (3rd paragraph)

Two weeks later (May 4), Mark goes much further, claiming the photographer shoots nude photos of 16 year old guys smeared in latex and paint - in other words, he accuses him of making illegal porn. He says I post videos of "teenage guys with erections", and the video maker's channels were closed for posting "inappropriate videos". (1st paragraph)

These latter comments are really innuendos, meant to suggest we post pornographic videos on YouTube, which is untrue. However, the accusation made about the photographer is clearly libelous. Even though our names weren't in this post, by saying "those of you who do know who I mean..." Mark shows that he's named us privately.

Here's the photographer's response to Mark's May 4 post.

Just 3 days (May 7) after making these potentially ruinous allegations, Mark generously decides to call a "truce" with the photographer, "take back some of the things [he] said" - he doesn't say which! - and recommend a model use him for a shoot!!

And here's the thing - the model is 16 years old:/ What does this say about Mark's morality? Either he thinks it's ok to send a 16yo guy to a photographer he believes may abuse him - and declare so publicly; or he shows that his accusation was a malicious lie, which could have had devastating effects on the photographer's life.

There's also the question of Mark's motive. Was he attempting to set the photographer up for further false accusations? Did he want to impress the young model with his photography 'connections', in order to pursuade him to appear on his channel? Or did he consider both possibilities, depending on how events played out?

In either case, Mark attempted to manipulate the 16yo guy for his own ends.

A final mind staggering post (May 8). Mark dismisses the vicious lies he'd told just four days earlier as "just... bitchyness on both our parts" - allocating equal responsibility to the guy he'd accused - and hopes for his respect!!

As for what he says about me & my websites (2nd paragraph), I'll leave readers to judge for themselves.

Friday, 17 August 2012

Mark/abba pwnd on YouTube

When I tell you Mark/abba lied about me & my websites, you don't have to believe me, just read Mark's own contradictory words.

This exchange took place in comments on a another YT channel's video about YT haters.

That wasn't Mark's "last response". He continued on another channel's video thread, completely unrelated, stalking me and spamming the guy's video.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

*That* video!

Some of you will have heard Mark(abba)'s plaint that I uploaded an "inappropriate" video to what was then our joint channel, forcing him to quit. The fact is, after a chat discussion that night, Mark agreed to let the video stay up. He also had the password, and was free at any time to delete the video himself.

In case you're wondering what was so objectionable about it, you can watch the video here and judge for yourself. It was flagged by viewer/s* and deleted by YouTube a day or two after upload - despite the fact that much more provocative clips are allowed, sometimes designated 18+.

*I never accused Mark of flagging the video, but he immediately denied doing so. When something's stolen, and someone you haven't accused cries "It wasn't me!", it makes you think, doesn't it?

Lawyer cat